Muskaan organized an outreach event at her Delhi Public School (her alma mater) in Amritsar, India, to promote iGEM and synthetic biology.

  • Event Date: November 6th, 2024
  • iGEM Representative: Muskaan Puri, iGEM Ambassadors to Asia & Oceania

The session engaged 50 students from grades 11 and 12, aiming to inspire them with the opportunities offered by synthetic biology and how the iGEM Competition brings multiple fields together. It began with an introduction to the basics of synthetic biology, covering its integration with biology, engineering, and bioinformatics. Muskaan highlighted several global challenges, such as air pollution, bioremediation, viral outbreaks, and life in space, alongside how iGEM teams and startups are utilizing synthetic biology to address these issues.

The session also included engaging discussions on the ethical considerations involved in designing engineered organisms. The outreach received outstanding feedback from both students and teachers. Many students expressed that they gained new insights into the field of synthetic biology.

To find more information about the iGEM Ambassadors & Promoters for Asia & Oceania and regional synbio activities visit our Asia & Oceania webpage. Learn more about the Ambassador Program here.

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